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Science - 3 I's

Hempstalls is a recipient of the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM). We are extremely proud that the high profile and quality of science teaching and learning within our school has been recognised.  


At Hempstalls Primary school, we believe that a high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific strands of biology, chemistry and physics. Hempstalls recognises and values the importance of science knowledge and scientific enquiry; we ensure that all pupils are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, and uses of science through a concept-driven and progressive curriculum, which has been informed by the National Curriculum.  

We endeavour to ensure that our children are immersed in science, both from the perspective of knowledge and working scientifically, and have experiences and Champion Opportunities that they may not have outside of school. Ultimately, we want our children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena through a build-up of key foundational knowledge and the opportunity to investigate their own questions with support from staff with strong subject knowledge.  

By the end of primary education, children start to make up their minds about whether science is for them and, because Hempstalls Primary School succeeds in ensuring that science has a high and positive profile around the school, children leave Hempstalls as Champion Scientists, with an understanding of the big scientific ideas and how to think, and work, like a scientist.



Our concept-driven curriculum ensures that children are immersed in science and have the ability to organise their thoughts and build upon prior learning, which is then deepened through progressive and sequential teaching. Aided by our science-specific concepts (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Working Scientifically), which act as our ‘coat-hangers’, children hook knowledge onto previous learning and build effectively upon their prior knowledge.  

Planning for science is a process in which all teachers are involved to ensure that the school gives full and progressive coverage of the National Curriculum. Science units are taught in 2 week-long blocks, during which children will refer to themselves as scientists and work scientifically by developing their enquiries at an appropriate level. Teachers ensure a high rate of mastery by underpinning every science unit with our Champion Learning Principles: frequent opportunities for review, small step lesson sequencing, deep questioning, well-structured scaffolding and guided into independent practice.  

At Hempstalls, we ensure that the working scientifically skills are built-on and developed throughout the children’s champion journey; these are carefully planned in line with the unit being taught. The five main types of scientific enquiry alongside the skills of working scientifically are interwoven into the units with purpose and are used to ensure a broad and balanced coverage of the curriculum. 

Champion Opportunities are at the heart of what we do at Hempstalls and for each child to leave as a champion of science, we actively seek additional enrichment for our students. Links with companies such as Siemens, Newcastle College, parent workshops, in-school visitors, school trips and our bi-annual STEM careers fair all inspire our children to work towards a future in science. 



Our Science Curriculum is high quality, well-thought-out and is planned to demonstrate progression in both scientific knowledge and working scientifically.  

Children at Hempstalls leave with not only the appropriate age-related knowledge linked to the science curriculum, but also skills which equip them to progress further in education and within their everyday lives. Due to our carefully constructed Champion Learning Principles, children will know more, remember more and understand more about the curriculum and how it links and applies to modern day life.  

From recent monitoring (2024), it has become clear that our children have a rich vocabulary, which enables them to articulate their understanding of taught concepts and make connections between different subjects and new phenomena they come across. Our children often make links to prior learning and observations they’ve made at home, making science more relevant and meaningful. Children also have a clear understanding of why science is important in their lives and leave Hempstalls with high aspirations.  

Here at Hempstalls, we want to make sure our impact remains strong and positive. We do this through a combination of assessment, pupil voice, dedicated staff meetings, peer reviews and network meetings within our MAT, sharing of work and pupil progress. This shared high expectation of success means that more Hempstalls Champions feel empowered to pursue Science and STEM subjects as potential career paths, regardless of gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background. 


HempstallsPrimary School
Contact Us
Mrs Shutt: 01782 950082Hempstalls Primary Schooloffice@hempstalls.staffs.sch.ukCollard Ave, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle ST5 9LH
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust